Everyone has some kind of thing they do in the bathroom as they sit on the toilet while doing their business. Some people like to read a newspaper or magazine, others may text or talk on their cell phone while some people just casually sit there until the job is done. I like to look at labels and read whats in products that sit on the sink counter such as, toothpaste, soap, hair spray or lotion. I'm always finding interesting ingredients that go into the products we all use in the bathroom. But there has been one I have been overlooking for some time, until recently. That would be the roll of toilet paper. Back in the day before the advent of Ultra, Premium or Double Roll along with the double, triple and extra cushioned embossed and scented roll there was the single layer, regular and unscented roll. Basic and to the point. It was just toilet paper with no frills rolled onto a cardboard cylinder and placed four rolls to a pack. But I noticed something different as I looked around at the roll on the dispenser hanging off the wall. The cardboard cylinder inside the roll seem to be larger than normal. I thought it was just a fluke and maybe there was a mistake at the factory. Looking down I noticed some other cardboard cylinders in the trash can that were the same size as the roll on the wall. It was becoming clear now that this was no mistake, something wasn't right with this product. Doing some investigating of my own this past week has brought me to a conclusion. Georgia Pacific, the makers of Angel Soft bathroom tissue have stuck it to the consumers. Recently, GP (Georgia Pacific) has changed the packaging on it's Angel Soft toilet paper, with this change there has been another subtle change such as, less sheets per roll. Though the amount on the cylinder may look the same cause of the larger cardboard cylinder, it's really less. Angel Soft regular rolls used to have 150 sheets per roll, they now have 132. This also went along with the slight increase in the amount you pay per roll, so now you get less for more money. Another annoying fact is the crazy advertising they place on some of the Angel Soft Double Roll packages.

The labelling on this package reads 70% more sheets on a double roll. If a single roll is 150 sheets this double roll should have 300 sheets? HOLD ON! Is my math wrong or should this read 100% more sheets? Isn't this a "DOUBLE" roll?
How about this example.
This is their "Thickest" ever! Read the package label on the back and it will tell you it's still 2-ply. It's the same as the original 2-ply. Why is it thicker? But it did add some extra cents to the price.
Here's my favorite.
This advertisement comes straight from GP to the stores that offer Angel Soft:
The new angel soft bath tissue is now the thickest ever. Angel soft continues to bring you the ideal balance of softness and strength at a great value. Longer lasting angel soft triple roll has triple the sheets of our regular rolls, which means even fewer roll changes. Now that’s convenient.
Angel Soft, Double Rolls, [18 Rolls*2 Pack] = 36 Total Count ( Angel Soft )
Brand : Angel Soft , Model :
- Flushable and septic safe
- 18 double rolls
- 264 sheets per roll
- An ideal balance of softness and strength
This is the new packaging that GP has put on the shelves. It boasts of being the thickest ever (still 2-ply as before). It "continues" to bring ideal balance and strength (otherwise known as...it's not changed). Plus it has the triple roll which has triple the sheets of a regular roll. STOP AGAIN! If a regular roll is 150 sheets per roll then shouldn't the triple roll have 450 sheets? Even with the downsized roll of 150 sheets to 132 sheets, this triple roll should have 396 sheets. That's a far cry from the 264 sheets it advertises. Bend over everybody....you're about to get it up the wazoo and pay a little extra for a little less.
You know something is rotten in Denmark when you are constantly putting a new roll on the holder so I too like to read labels and stuff in the bathroom. I am currently buying the blue pkg of Good Value brand at Walmart not because it last longer but because the price seems a little cheaper.